Saturday, June 2, 2012

What i've learned from... The Boy.

Sometimes you need to make sunshine a priority. Sometimes you need to set up something spontaneous  just to soak up the daylight — and yes, the laundry (and the groceries, and the dishes, and all those phone calls) can wait until tomorrow.

A good workout and/or patience can solve just about anything. 

It's important to take time for the people you care about most. Even if it means stepping outside your comfort zone or rearranging your schedule, those moments are worth it. They make you whole.

Happy music can do wonders for your mood. So can YouTube.

Cooking really isn't that hard, so don't be afraid to try something new. Plus, if you do mess up, who cares? There's always  takeout.

Most of the time, your stress is your own doing. Relax and take care of it, one to-do at a time.

People deserve second chances, and sometimes a third, too. Trust yourself. You'll know in your heart when it's time to step away from a relationship and move on.

Nothing beats a blue sky, cool portello, and a wrestling match.

Take the high road.

It's possible to wake up happy every single day. It's possible for cool, calm, and collected to be your version of autopilot on a daily basis. (He's like that. Seriously.)

Before you ask for help, try to do it on your own. You may just surprise yourself.

Silly faces and ridiculous baila dance parties are a crucial part of life. Let loose. Acting childish every once in a while is good for the spirit.

When you're good at your core—really, truly, honestly good—love comes easy.

Trust and empathy are important, but relationships are really built on the little things. Don't overlook the smaller moments, the tiny ways in which you relate and react to each other. Flirt, laugh, stay up late talking about anything and everything, and never forget to show how grateful you are.



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